Busy Bee and Etrog cake

I feel I have neglected you this week. Post-High Holidays is almost worse than the craziness of the holidays themselves; emails have been neglected, my desk is carpeted in notes and papers and things I need to get done, and suddenly I have 101 presentations and lessons to prepare that seemed like a good idea at the time...
There is so much going on in the real world, an I feel I should be reflecting on something important, like the occupy movement, and the resignation of the amazing Giles Fraser from St Paul's.
But instead... I'm going to fall back on my usual crutch and comfort. Cookery! I have had a twitter request for challah recipes, and recommended this and will try to take time to post some more interesting recipes and ideas on challah soon. In the meantime, tomorrow is G's birthday, and as we are recovering from Sukkot, I have cooked up a delicious Etrog cake. The amount of washing up it generated wasn't appreciated by him, but I hope the cake will be!
Happy birthday lovely man, and thanks for all the help with the clearing up :)


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