Sustainable energy at Chanukah

At Chanukah 1 days energy/light lasted for 8 days. This is a message which for me carries so many other overtones as we begin to think about our own energy consumption, especially seeing energy price rises as we enter winter and we are hearing how people may be forced to choose between heating and eating. So how can we make our energy use go further, at Chanukah and throughout the year?
I read last week about a chap, Lee Beaumont, who is living increasingly off the grid: I can't see most of us doing without showers, but we are probably able to save in other ways. Having discovered Lee Beaumont, it seems there are lots of folks trying this, from a 72 year old widow protesting energy prices to whole communities trying it
And of course there are lots of resources to help and advise, like 
I personally love the idea of reducing our energy use, and of living in a community of like minded folks, but I also know it's not where I am right now, and if we aim too high, we end up doing nothing. So perhaps at Chanukah we can explore for each of us 8 different ways we could personally save energy. I'd love to hear your thoughts in building a list!
The first thing I would offer is to take up the energy companies offers of measuring devices - we have one (which due to trying to move is now packed up in a box but looks a lot like this one!!) which measures our electricity usage at any moment. It was an incredible motivator to help us see what we can switch off or use differently to keep those numbers low (and the costs down!) And of course while Chanukah might be the motivator, our Judaism can be the motivator to take this challenge throughout the year. For example:

Mar Zutra said, 'One who covers an oil lamp [making it burn inefficiently] or uncovers a kerosene lamp [making the fuel evaporate faster] violates the prohibition of bal tashchit [not wasting]. Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 67b

Chanukah tells of a miracle, but as Ghandi said, we must each be the change we want to see in the world, and use the message of Chanukah to help us make changes. Please do post your ideas for your 8 days of change below!


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